Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Golf Course Update-Winter Preparations and Renovations

The Grounds staff and I transistion into the winter months with plenty on the agenda to accomplish. Recently, the staff completed a new forward tee on 6. The tee was only shifted roughly 70 feet but it is now level, aligned correctly and much closer to the cart path. The red dot in the picture below signifies where the new tee is located.

The staff has also started work on the back tee on 6. The scope of the work includes leveling, alligning and reshaping.


The drainage contractor, XGD systems continues to work diligently to install drainage systems on holes 3,5,14,15. The drainage systems are composed of 2" pipe on 6 foot centers across the putting surfaces, all of the trenches are backfilled with a sandier material to allow increased percolation of access water. Greens 3,5,14,15 were chosen because of the higher populations of Poa and there challenging micro climates (limited air movement and increased shade) After completion,HP will have 7 greens that will drain adequately. Also, to help air movement a fan will installed near the 3rd green.

Tree Management Program:

One of the key areas the staff focuses on in the winter months is tree managment. Shade and competion from roots can be a detriment to healthy traffgrass growth. The above photo is clearing of the invasive honey suckle in the rightside of hole 3. Once removed, it will be more asthetically pleasing and will allow for greater air movement to reduce pathogens.

Irrigation Winterization:

One of the last practices that signifies winter is here is the irrigation winterization. This process involves moving compressed air through the almost 90 miles of pipe on the property to insure the pipe will not fracture if freezing occurs.

Miscellaneous Projects:
  • Poa removal in collars
  • Green expansions
  • Fan installation near 3 green
  • Non-selective herbicide applications to the fairways

The Grounds Department during the winter months is also responsible for snow removal for the platform courts, parking lots and surrounding walkways.

From the Grounds Department we wish you and you're family a happy holiday season.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Horticulture Slideshow 2013

Here are a few snapshots of Mary's fine work this season. Please let us know if you have any questions concerning your own plants for next season.


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Friday, November 1, 2013

13 Renovation Complete

The renovation of the 13th hole is complete, the project took about 5 weeks. The scope of the work included:
  • Renovation of the existing tees
  • Addition of new championship and forward tee
  • Addition of 8 bunkers totaling 8000 square feet
  • Recontouring of fairway
  • Shifting of cart path slightly to the left
  • Just over an acre of sod was laid by HP staff
  • Irrigation modifications including supplemental bunker irrigation
  • Seeding of 2 acres to fine leaf fescues
We are anticipating to open the 13th hole to cart path only Friday, November 8th. This date could change due to saturated soil conditions. While playing this hole please stay off the bunker slopes on and use lift, clean and place when playing from new sod.

Below are a few before and after shots of the 13th hole.

Before- A view from the green tee
Before-another shot of the green tee
Before- The dogleg
Before-New bunker on rightside of fairway

We hope that you enjoy the latest improvements, and look forward to your feedback. I would also like to thank the entire HP staff, Course Crafters, and Tim Liddy for the collaborative effort to make this project successful.


Pat O' Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Golf Course Update

The renovation project is nearing completion and will be ready to play in November. There is much going on across the golf course and grounds. Tennis is winding down, and the clay courts will be closed very soon ushering in the platform tennis season. Deeptine aeration of the greens, a less invasive process will begin in the month of November, pending weather and turf conditions. Please stay tuned for specific dates.


Other Iniiatives on the golf course include:

  • The addition of green drainage on holes 3,5,14 and 15. Each green takes about 2 days to complete and will be open for play the next day it is complete.
  • Fall flowers are being planted across the club. Mary and Diane are working diligently planting tulip bulbs for the spring bloom
  • Fall leaf clean-up
  • Zoysia grass conversion of approaches
  • Tree planting at the platform tennis area
  • Fan installation on the 3rd green to improve health of this green site
  • Practice area will go to mats only soon to encourage recovery

For more information on these other initiatives on the grounds please follow us on twitter @pobriehpgcc or the Grounds Blog


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Monday, October 14, 2013

Renovation of 13 week-4

The works continues on 13 at an excellent pace. To date, all of the bunkers have been shaped and drainage is being installed in the first bunkers. Irrigation is being installed and all the tee construction is complete. Roughly 65 percent of the work is complete. With the hope of dry weather conditions, the project is still on target to finish the week of October of 28th and shortly thereafter opening depending on the rooting of the sod to ensure safety on the steep slopes.

Remaining work includes; irrigation installation, remaining drainage in bunkers, paving of cart path and grassing of rough and fairway areas.

The Hyde Park Grounds staff has done a terrific job aiding in the construction while preparing the golf course for regular play.

For the latest on the renovation please follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc or follow the Grounds Blog.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Monday, October 7, 2013

Renovation 13 Week 3-

With almost 4 inches of rain over the weekend the work has paused but will be back in full swing very soon. Golf Course architect Tim Liddy has been very pleased with the progress of both HP staff and Course Crafters. Tim has made a couple tweaks to the design, most significantly placing the forward tee close to the position where it was prior to the shift 3 years ago. The existing forward tee will remain.

To date, the following work has been completed:

  • Shaping of the first 4 bunkers
  • Fairway lines are taking shape
  • Drainage out-falls and catch basins being placed
  • Haul roads in the bottom of 12 have been seeded (please stay out of these areas that are roped off)

In addition, the high rough areas behind 12 green, right of 13 green and right of 13 fairway near 12 tee have been sprayed with an herbicide and seeded to a fine leaf fescue that will still pose a challenge while allowing some playability. These areas were seeded late, and will take a season to mature.

- HP Staff, Seeding fine leaf fescue near 12 tee-

Modifications to irrigation system on 13 will begin shortly

Bunkers taking shape-

A few reminders:

  • Please remain on the cart path on 13
  • Follow signs and please stay out of newly seeded areas
  • Please fill divots on 13 fairway at temporary teeing area

If the weather continues to be accommodating the project is scheduled to finish in 2 weeks, shortly thereafter the hole will open to cart path only.

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Monday, September 30, 2013

13 Renovation-Week 2

The progress with the renovation on the 13th hole have been proceeding well and on schdule. The dry weather has allowed both our staff and Course Crafters to complete the folowing:

  • Shifting of cart path roughly 35 feet
  • Reshaping and levelling of existing tees
  • Addition of irrigation to new championship tee
  • Rough shaping of new championship tee
  • Tree removal

This week the HP staff and Course Crafters will be involved with:

  • Bunker shaping and drainage
  • Shaping and drainage additions on new championship tee
  • Final grading of cart path
  • Seeding of high rough with fine fescue
  • Seeding of ravine with turf type tall fescue

Below, are a few photos of the renovation...........

Thank-you for your patience during this process. For daily updates, follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc or the HP blog at


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hole 13 Renovations

The renovations have started on Hole 13, as you can see from the design below the renovation includes, tree removal, tee construction, added fairway bunkers and cart path shifting.

With the consultation of Golf Course Architect Tim Liddy. Course Crafters LLC and The Hyde Park grounds staff we will be completing the above work over a six week period. During this project, hole closings may occur due to safety issues associated with some of the work. For the latest updates on a daily basis please follow us on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc or check with the golf shop for more information. The grounds blog will be updated on a weekly basis to inform the membership on the latest changes.

Below are few photos from the first two days of the work.




Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aerification is complete- what's next?

Aerification of the putting surfaces was recently completed with excellent results even considering the warmer temperatures. The timing of aerifcation has been much earlier compared to past years because:

  • Warmer temperatures allow for faster healing
  • Slower golf calendar of events
  • Allowing to promote bentgrass over the dreaded Poa

The healing process has begun with the turf growing well. The recent trials prior to this aerifcation have yielded 75% recovery in 6 days. Thanks for your patience during this important process.

Thanks to all the staff for their efforts!

Interseeding in the rough areas continues with germination occurring after 5 days. Please remember to operate the golf carts in the Zoysia fairways to allow increased germination.

Aerification and seeding equipment

Recently questions have been asked about the white dots on the putting green? These white dots outline plots set-up by Ohio State to evaluate products that may reduce the impact of Fairy Ring. Fairy Ring is one of key plant pathogens we target each season.

Dominique making applications to putting green


Another great intern project this season was the expansion of the bentgrass sod nursery near the vegetable garden behind the 4th green. Germination is moving nicely and this areas will be ready to mow within a week. Two different bentgrass cultivars have been planted to evaluate eventually on a small scale on the putting surfaces at HP. Once established, please come and roll a few balls on these fine surfaces.


For the latest on the Grounds of Hyde Park please follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc or find us on the HP App.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent

Saturday, August 10, 2013

White turf, Aerification and Interseeding- August

August is here and the weather continues to be wet, but with slightly below normal temperatures. The Grounds Staff and I have been engaged in a few projects across the golf course.

Aerification of the putting surfaces will begin on August 19, 20 and 21st. The golf course will be closed on the 19th but open for play on the 20 and 21st with temporary hole locations on certain holes. Aerification has been moved from late September to late August to allow for faster healing of the putting surfaces, reduce Poa encroachment and the golf calendar is slower during this period. A third aerfication of the putting surfaces is scheduled for late October.

Photo below is taken from a test area on south end of putting green- 6 days of healing

The Practice Bunker has been recently renovated, with removing sand on the face and regrassing to Zoysia grass to add resiliency to this area. The sand has also been replaced to mimic t the playing conditions and consistency of the bunkers on the course. This improvement was led in-part by the turfgrass interns.


Bermudagrass is considered a weed at HP, over the years the cooler winters and the warmer summers have allowed this grass to flourish. The hillside on 4 continues to be an area where Bermudagrass out competes tall fescue. Therefore, we continue to evaluate new herbicide treatments to reduce and hopefully remove the Bermudagrass. The recent application of the herbicide has turned the Bermudagrass white, this indicates that the herbicide is being translocated through the plant. We will apply two more applications to this area to hopefully cause decline of this weed.

6 days after herbicide application

Interseeding and aerification of the roughs with turf type tall fecsue has begun. With the cooler temperatures this year annual bluegrass has been more prevalent in these areas. This process will take about three weeks followed by multiple herbicide applications in the rough to reduce annual bluegrass.

The Bentgrass nursery on 4 has been expanded and we are patiently waiting for a forecast without flood watches or warnings to insure the seed will stay on the nursery. Two new cultivars of bentgrass will be evaluated in this area.

Bentgrass nursery and vegetable garden located behind 4 green

HP is in full bloom- thanks to Mary Bush

As always, we welcome your feedback on these and other initiatives on the grounds of Hyde Park.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Golf Course Update

The past couple weeks have been a challenging stretch, the weather has been very uncooperative with excessive rain amounts totaling almost 6 inches in a 7 day period and now the first stretch of high day and nighttime temperatures are here, all of which puts tremendous stress on the Turfgrass plant. Similar, to the human body, Turfgrass does not respond well to extremes.

Currently the staff and I are involved with mid-summer practices/ projects which include:

-Ventilation and light topdressing to putting surfaces reduce stress to allow the surfaces to dry faster as well as increasing air in the root zone.


-Careful monitoring of all pests including pathogens such as Summer Patch that will weaken the Poa further

-Continued focus on moisture management of putting surfaces
-Repair and addition of drainage on 4 and other areas


Other Initiatives include:

  • Herbicide applications in high rough areas
  • Deep tine aeration on zoysia grass
  • Bentgrass nursery expansion on 4
  • Cart path repairs



Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Golf Course Update-July 6th:Course Closed

Unfortunately, Mother Nature is not cooperating, we have officially have accumulated over 4 inches of rain since July 1st. The golf course will remain closed today (July 6th) and we will continue monitor conditions for a possible opening on Sunday. Please stayed tuned for the latest updates concerning course conditions on twitter (@pobrienhpgcc) the HP App. or contact the golf shop.

-Hole 5- July 6th 9:15am-

Thank-you for your patience.

Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Friday, July 5, 2013

Golf Course Update-July 5th- Course Closed

Over the past 24 hours the golf course and grounds of Hyde Park has received 1.69" of rain. The past week we have received over 3.25" of rain. The golf course is saturated with many of the fairways and greens having standing water. Adequate drainage not only aids in improved playability but provides an environment conducive to growing healthy Turfgrass. Unfortunately, the forecast is not looking favorable to help dry out the playing surfaces. The Golf course will remain closed today (July 5th, 2013) and reevaluated throughout the day to determine an opening time on Saturday. Please check with the Golf Shop, Hyde Park App. or twitter @pobrienhpgcc for the latest updates.

-6th fairway July 5th

- 4th Fairway July 5th

Thank-you for you patience.

Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent