Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Grounds Update- Spring is here?

Even with the extremely slow start in the weather the Grounds Staff and I have been extremely busy over the winter months with snow removal and projects. The proceeding months of planning prior to the start of the season are extremely crucial in executing our strategies to enhance playing conditions and the overall experience.

With that said, the staff is close to shifting from project mode into daily maintainence. The sand topdressing applied to the greens in December to protect the plant from the cold temperatures is almost gone and daily mowing will begin soon. As of March 20th the staff continues to:

-Pick-up of debris (multiple times)

-Seeding and sodding of miscellaneous areas

-Pressurization of the irrigation system

-Applications of preememeegent herbicides

-Bunker repair from the deep frost this season

-Tennis court resurfacing

As you take a look across the golf course many of the grasses continue to exhibit many shades of brown. The Zoysia grass fairways continue to show signs of making it through the winter well, but green-up will be late this season. The greens where drainage was installed late last season (3,5,14 and 15) did not show the root growth we typically see in the winter months due to the frozen ground. Although playable, we will treat these greens a little different then the established greens, this may mean that aerifcation will be delayed on the newly drained greens until the root growth ininiates.

View of the 3rd green and sodded drain lines
Sod peeled back on 3rd green to show lack of root growth


Upcoming projects include:

The installation of a fan located behind the 3rd green slated to be completed in early May. Additional brush has been removed left of 3 and the addition of a fan will aid improving the air circulation across the putting surface to reduce plant pathogens and improve turf quality to enhance populations of creeping bent grass.

Red circle on the above photo denotes fan location behind 3 green

Other upcoming projects include the addition of drainage to the practice green behind the practice tee and the addition of a greenside bunker behind the 9th green that was removed decades ago.

Ross drawing of the 9th green and the return of the bunker in back


Everyone is very anxious to see the Spring season in full gear, although delayed, it won't be long. If there are any questions or feedback please contact us at: or follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Friday, March 7, 2014

Freeze, Thaw and Status of the Golf Course

With the last of the snow melting, the golf course and grounds are beginning to thaw out. As of Friday March 7th the golf course is closed due to thawing and wet soils. We will continue to monitor the conditions on a daily basis for a possible opening with temporary greens located in the fairways and all carts on the path. With the colder over-night temperatures the threat of frost and freeze will most likely delay any possible opening to the early afternoon.

With below freezing temperatures the ground will continue to freeze rapidly and thaw slowly. The concentrated foot traffic pattern on the putting surfaces can cause damage to the root system due to the potential shearing of roots from foot traffic while thawing, thus the use of temporary greens for a short period of time until the soil dries out and firms up.

Damage to the tees is minor because they drain well and the root system is more extensive because of the higher mowing height. The picture below shows the amount of traffic a putting surface receives with just one foursome.

For the latest on course conditions and possible opening time please follow us on twitter, call the Proshop or check the Hyde Park App.

Thank-you for your patience while Mother Nature shifts towards Spring.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


"What do you do in the winter?"

"What do you do in the winter?" Anyone who has ever worked in golf course maintenance can attest that they have heard that question many times. Staff size is much smaller but, contrary to popular belief, plenty of work does happen on, and for the golf course in the winter. The types of tasks we do include, but are not limited to:

  • Snow and ice removal of all lots, walks and platform tennis courts
  • Drainage and construction projects (when weather permits)
  • Constant monitoring of playing surfaces for any issues
  • Fabrication and refurbishing of golf course accessories
  • Maintenance and renovation of Grounds building and outbuildings
  • Review and interpretation of the past year's weather, fertilizer, chemical, etc records
  • Planning and budgeting of ornamental plan things around clubhouse and pool areas
  • Servicing and grinding of all mowers
  • Servicing of all equipment
  • Planning for upcoming season - cultural programs, fertilizer and chemical, and procedures
  • Continuing education for all key staff
  • Tree and brush management program
  • Hiring of student interns and seasonal employees
  • Updating of protocols for course maintenance

This is just a partial list of what we work on during the winter. Weather, as always, dictates what we can do. Our staff continues to work hard through the winter to consistently improve the grounds at Hyde Park Golf & Country Club

Equipment maintenance


Lime application on top of snow

Greg Nickerson, Assistant Grounds Superintendent

Follow on Twitter - @ganick23