Restoration Rendering

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Golf Course Update

The Grounds team has been very busy across the the golf course including preparations for the the Restoration in July of 2025. 

With the drier weather our team has been able to work on tree and brush removal left of 13. These removals will enhance the view from the 4th green back to the Clubhouse, allow for increased air circulation and assist with increased sunlight to the new forward tee on 7. The mature healthy trees will remain and post restoration this area will be restored with Fine leaf fescues and select plantings. 

New Forward Tee- Above Existing Tee

View from the 4th

Our team has been working across the golf course to reduce the amount of standing water in low-lying areas on the fairways. The added ~ 33,000 lineal feet of fairway drainage during the restoration project along with the raising many of low-pockets in the fairways will reduce the chances of winter injury and allow carts off of the path sooner. The Zoysiagrass nursery will be shifted to right of 13, from #4 to make room for a new teeing area on the hill on #5. 

Added Tee Location #5 
The 13th fairway shifts to the West leaving an expansive area to grow both Zoysia and Bentgrass while being surrounded by Fescue.
New Turf Nursery Location #13

13 Fairway Shifts to the West 

In the coming weeks we will continue to delineate locations of proposed bunkers, tees and other features. We will place an excerpt of the proposed rendering at the teeing areas and mark the new features with paint and flags.

Proposed Bunker Complex #5/6

Rendering #5/6

Thanks again for the feedback and questions!

Pat O'Brien 
Grounds Superintendent.

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