Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

High Rough/Seeding Trials

The season continues to move along at Hyde Park, with the Art Smith in the rearview mirror our team is focused on giving the greens a little of a break with the added stresses on the turf from multiple mowings and rolling to achieve a true surface.  We are utilizing tools such as fans and venting of the surface to allow for oxygen exchange and dry the surface. USGA VIDEO LINK  There are areas of turf that have "thinned" but are largely confined to certain varieties of bentgrass.

Our annual mowing of the "high rough" areas has begun across the golf course in anticipation of fall herbicide applications, these areas are usually mowed two-three times each season depending on the weed encroachment. In many areas the grass clippings will be mulched and blown to disperse.

Between the 10th and 11th hole we have begun an establishment trial of fine fescues to see if we can create a low input rough area that is playable. This area will consist of Sheep and Hard fine fescues with different seeding rates. 

Rectangle- Trial Area 

If you have any questions please reach out to us We appreciate your feedback!


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent