Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

High Rough!

Of recent there has been much positive feedback on the high rough areas around HP, I choose to stay away from the use of the term Native Areas to delineate these areas because quite simply; they are not native! The Turfgrass types include turf type tall fescue and a small percentage of fine fescues. Last season, we strategically put in place a program to enhance these areas, by no means are these areas no maintenance but we reduce inputs such as fertilizer and water, while adding texture, delineation and seasonal variances in color as noted in the photos.
Early June....
Late June...
The staff will continue with spot treatments for weeds in the coming weeks, to further enhance the quality of these areas. Thanks again for the positive feedback on the "High Rough areas.
Pat O'Brien, MSM
Grounds Superintendent

The HP Grounds Team Ready for Summer!

The Grounds staff and I have been very busy around the course in preparation for the summer months, our agronomic programs and strategies our built around the most stressful time for turfgrass...Summer. Our team members continue to develop and grow, taking on new tasks and honing others. The success of program is directly related to the planning process and the execution of our most important assest; our team members.
Many of you know that each year we engage in an formal internship program, the students come from across the US and the world to develop their skills in Golf Course and Turfgrass Managment. The interns play a key role in the daily activities, they are tasked with;
Course Set-up
Moisture Mangament
Irrigation repair and
Leading Small Crews
Equipment Operation
Pesticide and Fertilizer Applications
The primary objective of the program is to develop their skill-set for advancement in the turf industry. The interns at Hyde Park are challenged on a daily basis with many different tasks that require objective thought. During the season, the interns our involved with field trips to other facilites, attendance of Grounds Committee meetings and have opportunities to volunteer at tournaments. The Assistants and I enjoy challenging and mentoring the interns through this process. Our team also appreciates how the members at Hyde Park have invested into this program, many of you have had the opportunity to welcome them. We are fortunate that this season we have 3 Turfgrass interns:

Alex Lambert- Ohio International Intern Program, Manchester UK
Arron Garret- Cincinnati State, Cincinnati
Andrew Miller- Rutgers University, Northern Kentucky
In the coming months we plan to have a Grounds Open house, teaming with Les for a wine tasting and an opportunity to meet some our team, talk turf and see our tools of the trade, stay tuned!
If there are any questions or feedback please email us at or follow along on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc
Pat O'Brien, MSM
Grounds Superintendent

Annual Bluegrass and Summer Patch

The constant rain and saturated soils of May presented the ideal condtions for the Annual Bluegrass in the rough to be infected with the Summer Patch pathogen. This pathogen colonizes the root system, impacting the uptake of water and nutrients. The symptoms typically observed at HP include a yellowing, sunken appearance with a steady decline in turf quality. This year we made a fungicide application to about 70 percent of the rough, however this may not stop be enough to stop the decline of the Annual Bluegrass. Long-term, our goal is to reduce the amount of Annual Bluegrass in the rough, improving drainage and the addition of turfgrass types that are resistant to these fungi.

Symptoms of Summer Patch in the rough

If there are any questions please email us at



Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tournament Prep, Zoo Trip, Weed Control

It's been a busy few weeks here in the horticulture world. Annuals arrived at the end of May, made a visit to Muirfeld Village up in Dublin, OH for the Memorial Tournament and took the bosses and interns to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens to see the wonderful work they do there in the horticulture world.

June 2-3 I volunteered to help with annual watering at The Memorial Tournament. Each morning and evening all the plants around the course and in the vip areas were watered to keep things looking great for the tournament. A lot of begonias, petunias, and grasses.

Even got a peek at the grounds dept prepping for tournament play.

The following week the grounds dept visited the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden and met with the Director of Horticulture, Steve Foltz. He showed us around and gave some insight into how daily operations are carried out. They do a lot of plant trials, both annuals and perennials. Growers rely on the feedback to see how well plants perform.

We are fighting a weed problem in one of our beds here at the course. Equisetum arvense, field horsetail. It is a very old plant, dating back hundreds of millions of years. It takes over an area very quickly, with roots 10-20 feet deep. It creeps into other plants as well. It is a difficult weed to manage and efforts are being made to eliminate the problem. For now, we are trying different herbicides to try and suppress the plant, which means no annuals will be planted in this bed this year.

Enjoy the summer, and I will keep you updated with Operation Horsetail as info becomes available.


Bryan Miller

Horticulturist, Hyde Park CC