Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cart Path Remodel Completed!

The cart path remodel project is completed, outside of some minor adjustments. The project began Septmeber 21st and the paving was completed October 21st. Thanks to the entire membership for your patience during this challenging project. I would also like to thank the entire Hyde Park grounds staff, especially the Assistant Grounds Superintendents; Dan Lawendowski and Greg Nickerson for their preparation and execution to make this a succesful endeavor. The projects continue in the month of November with the addition of green drainage to holes 8,9,12 and 17, please follow us on Twitter for the latest on this and other initiatives.

Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent





Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall Flower Displays

Fall is in the air now and with that comes one last push to get some color in the flower beds and planters before old man winter arrives. There are several areas around the clubhouse and paddle ball courts showing off some fall color. Flowers and grasses mixed in with some fall staples such as straw, cornstalks, and of course pumpkins and gourds.
At the main entrance we have a fall display of Osaka White/Red Cabbage and Amazon Neon Purple Dianthus.
The bag drop area features a nice fall display of Mums (Bewitched variety), Peacock Red Kale, Nagoya Rose Kale, Purple Garden Mums, and Sangria Ornamental Peppers
More Osaka White/Red Cabbage in front of the Proshop, along with some Mums(Jack O' Lantern variety) in hanging baskets
Some of the planters seen throughout the area have Purple Fountain Grass, Millet, Nagoya Rose Kale, Black Pearl Ornamental Peppers, Sundaze Flame Bracteantha, Diamond Frost Euphorbia, and mums and pansies.
In addition to the fall displays, a new perennial bed was installed which include three different colors of Astilbe, Varigated Liriope, and Oakleaf Hydrangea var. Munchkin. These should fill in nicely in the coming years.


Bryan Miller, Horticulturist

Monday, October 19, 2015

Cart Path Remodel-Final Stages!

The cart path remodel is in the the final stages, with roughly 600 feet of blacktop to be placed by the contractor this week on holes 1 and 2. The HP grounds staff is not too far behind with another 40 yards of topsoil and 22 pallets of sod left to lay, hopefully before the weekend. The dry conditions, careful preparation and the hardwork of the staff have the project moving well.

Plywood roads are constructed to reduce the impact of the 10 ton trucks

Once the contractor is completed we have a long list of repairs from the heavy equipment and fine details to wrap-up, including: aeration and seeding of haul roads, final seeding of bury pits and continuous handwatering of almost an acre of sod and seed.

Over the next few weeks we will continue to rope off newly sodded and seeded areas for quicker establishment. Thank-you for your patience during this project!

Last section to complete behind 1 green/2tee

If there are any questions please contact us


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Upcoming Cultural Practices

Beginning on October 26th, we will start the next group of cultural practices to improve green surfaces through aerating and amending the soil profile. Two separate practices will occur in conjunction with each other.

First we will Deep-tine the greens with a 1/2" solid tine at up to 12" depth. There is no core pulled, just a small diameter hole punched. This process penetrates through the "plow layer" that exists at about a 4" depth relieving compaction and allowing air and nutrients deeper into the profile also creating a void for roots to grow.

Secondly, we have a contract company coming in to perform "Dry-ject." We have done this procedure in the past. In this process, special machines use a high pressure jet of water to create an irregular void that is instantaneously filled with sand. Spacing and depth can be adjusted to our needs. Following this process, we will brush and roll the greens and they will be playable. This is just another tool in the arsenal to modify profile and improve overall conditions. It does not replace traditional Aerification procedures.

The first week of November, we will begin adding internal drainage to greens on holes 9,8,12,17. This will be the same process completed over the last few years, where small trenches are cut on 6' centers, 2" pipe is installed and trenches are backfilled with an appropriate sand mix. The sod is then replaced on the trenches. Individual greens will be closed as the work is performed, and re-opened when feasible (likely in the spring). Once completed, only 4, 13, and 18 remain without internal drainage.











Thank you for your patience during these important procedures, that will improve overall conditions on greens in the future. Please follow our progress through this blog, emails, and by following these twitter accounts:





Greg Nickerson, Assistant Grounds Superintendent

Hyde Park Golf and Country Club





Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cart Path Remodel Update

We are into the third week of the cart path remodel project and it has been very successful thus far. Mother Nature continues to cooperate, giving us above normal temperatures and dry conditions. With roughly 2000 lineal feet left to complete on holes 1 and 18 it looks as though the contractor will be completed paving in the next 10 days The remaining drainage, sod and seed work will continue into the month of November. Over the next week we will be repairing haul roads and bury pits with multiple aerifcations, and seeding with turf type tall fescue. We do anticipate the 10th tee will be used this week as the starting tee again, to allow us more time to safely complete work. Also, please remember to obey signs and stay out of roped off areas, this will allow the seed and sod to establish quickly!
Drainage Work near 1 tee
If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact us
Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Cart Path Remodel Update


The cart path remodel continues to move forward with a couple minor set backs due to the wet soil conditions, not allowing the contractor to utilize their heavy machinery needed for this project. The Grounds staff, led by Assistant Superintendent Dan Lawendowski are getting a rhythm with the drainage and final finish work to the edges of the path. A tremendous amount of labor goes into these final steps, there is a lot of juggling of staff resources between daily maintenance of the course and the project. Greg Nickerson has the challenge of leading the rest of the team with course maintenance. Both situations are dynamic and require constant coordination and communication between the two of them to make sure we hit the mark on both fronts. The week ahead looks dry with seasonal temperatures, which should allow for the blacktop to be finished on hole 2.

Topsoil and Final Grading to the Edges of the Path

A couple quick reminders concerning cart operation during this project:

-Please obey signs and directional ropes, the sod and seed will not survive if carts drive on theses areas

-Please enter and exit at the designiated areas marked with the 6ft Orange flags, most of these areas have plywood covering the edges to protect the carts and the sod work.

Enter and Exit Points designated with Orange Flags

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Or follow us on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent