Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Golf Course Update 7-6-15- Yellow Nutsedge and Hydraulic Leak

The recent trend in the weather has been very wet, with more rain on the way! The conditions have been ideal for a weed called Yellow Nutsedge and we have seen much more in the fairways in comparison to past seasons. Most of the contamination has been brought from outside sod, or from our wet range nursery. Fairway areas that have sit wet, have the highest populations (2 fwy and 1fwy) We have been spot treating these areas with an herbicde, the Yellow Nutsedge is turning brown, the zoysia is off color but will be just fine. We will be mapping the populations of nutsedge in order to have more of a preventive approach next year, similar to how we treat the rough areas.

Healthy Yellow Nutsedge In Low Moist Area
Yellow Nutsedge-Following Herbicide Application

Today, we experienced a hydraulic leak on the 7th hole with one of the older fairway mowers. The good news is the operator was in transport on the cart path, when the line ruptured. When the line ruptured the steering was limited but, he was able to control the machine safely enough to bring it to a rest in the rough in front of the 7th green. The high temperature of the fluid will kill the turf, we will replace roughly 100 feet of sod in front of the green once some the soil is excavated to remove containmination.

Hydraulic Leak in 7 rough

If there are any questions please email us.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent




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