Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Around the Grounds at HP

Mary's fine work!

Spring is here and the Grounds staff is in full stride, accomplishing many tasks across the golf course. The greens aeration was a success and we are slowly getting closer to our normal maintenance practices that will aid in smoother surfaces and improved ball roll.

Cores being collected during aeration

The golf course over the last few weeks has been extremely wet and challenging to accomplish basic mowing The staff has spent a lot of time on the weekends playing catch-up, I applaud them for their efforts and we apologize for any inconvenience to the members. Before the first mowing of the fairways we have been trying to firm the surfaces with rolling, after a long winter they are extremely soft. Overall, the zoysia looks good but we will have some minor repairs to edges of fairways and newly sodded areas.

Rolling of fairways


Saturated soil conditions mean hand-picking of range

With the golf season almost in full swing a couple quick reminders to repair ball marks properly, this graphic shows the correct way to enhance recovery.

The practice tee over the next few weeks will see some heavy usage to get the swing back in shape after a long winter. The practice tee is extremely small for the amount of usage it sees, therefore the use of mats are employed to aid in recovery, please do not step in front of the mats to hit, even though divots may not be taken, the constant turning of the feet will cause damage. Also, we have started a new initiative, promoting a lineal divot pattern, the lineal divot pattern uses space effiecntly and promotes recovery utilizing the vegetative ability of the Turfgrass plant. Signs are posted in the Proshop and on the practice tee.

For more information about the Grounds Operation please follow us on Twitter, or take a peak at the Blog at


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Zoysia grass Transition and Cart Traffic

As the temperature finally increases and the sun shines, the golf course is starting to get busier. On these sunny, warm days, there are inevitable questions about why carts are not permitted off of the paths. Zoysiagrass, being a warm season grass goes dormant in the winter. Because it is no longer growing and lacks recuperative capacity, it cannot stand up to stresses of cart traffic. For this reason, we restrict most carts from driving on the turf (exceptions made for senior/handicapped golfers during dry conditions)

Typically the Zoysia starts to green up around April 1st. This can vary based on severity of winter conditions, but is usually fairly consistent and this year is no different. With frost in the winter, the soil heaves from expansion and contraction, which leaves the fairways soft to begin with. Unfortunately, we have been consistently wet in April, with close to 4 inches of rain in the first two weeks. This, coupled with some unseasonably cool conditions, has kept the fairways soft, and delayed both cart traffic, and maintenance practices.


Effect of shade on transitioning


As conditions begin to dry out, we will begin practices that will firm up the fairways (rolling) and stimulate new growth (brushing and mowing). Our goal is always to allow the membership to enjoy the golf course as easily as possible. It is important to take steps to prevent permanent damage though, and excess traffic on wet and dormant turf will be evident throughout the season if we are not prudent.

Rolling to firm up surfaces

We are finally able to start some of the processes necessary to allow cart traffic, and monitor conditions on a daily basis. Our goal is to allow carts of the path as soon as it can be done without damaging the course in the long term. Please stay tuned to this blog, daily emails from the club, and follow our twitter accounts for updates on daily course conditions. Warm and dry weather is right around the corner. Look forward to seeing you on the golf course.

Greg Nickerson, Assistant Grounds Superintendent and twitter @ganick23



Thursday, April 9, 2015

Golf Course Update

April has been very typical; unpredictable! Recent storms have left the Grounds littered with debris from tee to fairway. The staff will focus on clean-up on the putting surfaces and teeing areas, we anticipate to open Friday morning with all carts on the path pending any further weather events. The rest of the debris removal will continue into next week.



Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent

