Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Grounds Update

The staff continues to move forward but at a slightly slower pace due to the seasonal fluctuations in staffing and Mother Nature has created some cooler wet conditions. With the guidance of golf course architect Tim Liddy, the Hyde Park Grounds staff finished all renovations/zoysia grass conversions on the approaches 4,6 and 8.

4 before


These renovations will enhance playability, consistency, and reduce expenses with fewer inputs, utilizing Zoysia grass. The 6th hole will also offer new shots utilizing the natural contours and fairway mowed short grass off of the bank directly behind the green.

6 before

6 after

The Zoysia grass will take roughly a full season to look and play the same as the existing fairway grass. All new Zoysia can be played off of, but please refrain from driving carts on the new sod.

In the coming month, frost delays will be common and more cart traffic will be restricted to the cart paths because of the dormancy of the Zoysia grass. Zoysia grass is not growing this time of year and unfortunately, any mechanical damage from carts will not heal until next year. We will expect to restrict cart traffic on the fairways sometime in early November pending weather conditions.

The final deeptine and solid tine aeration of the greens will occur in November, allowing to fracture the compacted soil condtions deep in the profile. This process will be followed by topdressing and rolling for smoothness.

Also, beginning in early November, internal drainage will be added to greens 2,10,11 and 16. This process has been completed on 7 of the greens with excellent results, allowing for improved turf health and reducing closure times. Only one green will be closed at any one time for 2-3 days during the first two weeks of November.


10 green- Labor Day

2 green-Labor Day

The 11th..

For more information on the current initiatives and course conditions please follow us on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc Or contact us via email.


Pat O'Brien



The Dynamic Duo...

Behind the scenes there is an important duo that keeps all the equipment functioning and safe, day in and day out. Bob Schenkel (Equipment Manager-left) and Jimmy Good, better known as "Buck" his crafty Assistant.

Jimmy has over 30 years in the golf course industry including over 10 at HP. Jim is the king when it comes to fabrication, by trade he is skilled Boilermaker, allowing him to fabricate just about anything for the golf operations. When not assisting Bobby in the shop, Buck's primary duty is to mow the rough. Outside of work, Buck likes to tinker in his shop, and enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, 3 daughters and wife Artie.

Bobby, the Equipment Manager is responsible for over 100 pieces of equipment not to mention the extensive data collection, inventory control and staying updated with the latest in technology to improve quality and efficiency. Bobby has been with HP for almost two years, prior to, he worked as a mechanic for a golf course equipment distributor. Bobby is married to Amy and has 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren.

Both of these gentleman are the frontline to ensure we have quality and safe equipment to produce excellent playing condtions. I can't thank them enough for the hardwork, poise and sense of humor, it is a pleasure to work with both of them.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Zoysia grass, Dormancy and Cart Traffic

The zoysia grass continues to prepare for the winter months, the golden hue is becoming more evident. The fairways have stopped growing, in fact the last mowing was almost 3 weeks ago. Wet conditions, shade and cart traffic are the right recipe for damage to the zoysia grass. The recent wet, cool and gloomy days have not been condusive for adequate drying to occur. These limitations have left the carts on the path for most of this week. These conditions are monitored on a daily basis to determine the status of carts. This afternoon, a short trip on 13 fairway revealed that the soil conditions are still wet to allow cart traffic noted by the mud tracks from my cart. This time a year due to the length of day, angle of sun and temperatures most times a single sunny day is often enough to dry the turf out.

Heavily shaded areas on 9 and 18 and similar areas see very little sunlight this time of year. Damage from cart traffic will only enhance the chances for increased winter damage.

Please check with the Proshop or follow us on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc for the latest on projects and daily course conditions.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent