Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Golf Course Update

The past couple weeks have been a challenging stretch, the weather has been very uncooperative with excessive rain amounts totaling almost 6 inches in a 7 day period and now the first stretch of high day and nighttime temperatures are here, all of which puts tremendous stress on the Turfgrass plant. Similar, to the human body, Turfgrass does not respond well to extremes.

Currently the staff and I are involved with mid-summer practices/ projects which include:

-Ventilation and light topdressing to putting surfaces reduce stress to allow the surfaces to dry faster as well as increasing air in the root zone.


-Careful monitoring of all pests including pathogens such as Summer Patch that will weaken the Poa further

-Continued focus on moisture management of putting surfaces
-Repair and addition of drainage on 4 and other areas


Other Initiatives include:

  • Herbicide applications in high rough areas
  • Deep tine aeration on zoysia grass
  • Bentgrass nursery expansion on 4
  • Cart path repairs



Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Golf Course Update-July 6th:Course Closed

Unfortunately, Mother Nature is not cooperating, we have officially have accumulated over 4 inches of rain since July 1st. The golf course will remain closed today (July 6th) and we will continue monitor conditions for a possible opening on Sunday. Please stayed tuned for the latest updates concerning course conditions on twitter (@pobrienhpgcc) the HP App. or contact the golf shop.

-Hole 5- July 6th 9:15am-

Thank-you for your patience.

Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Friday, July 5, 2013

Golf Course Update-July 5th- Course Closed

Over the past 24 hours the golf course and grounds of Hyde Park has received 1.69" of rain. The past week we have received over 3.25" of rain. The golf course is saturated with many of the fairways and greens having standing water. Adequate drainage not only aids in improved playability but provides an environment conducive to growing healthy Turfgrass. Unfortunately, the forecast is not looking favorable to help dry out the playing surfaces. The Golf course will remain closed today (July 5th, 2013) and reevaluated throughout the day to determine an opening time on Saturday. Please check with the Golf Shop, Hyde Park App. or twitter @pobrienhpgcc for the latest updates.

-6th fairway July 5th

- 4th Fairway July 5th

Thank-you for you patience.

Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent