Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rain, Rain and More Rain....

The month of April has been one of the wettest on record and the rain continues to fall. To date, 9 inches of precipitation has fallen at Hyde Park. The 30 year average is 3.9 inches and last April we had accumulated 2.5 inches. Mother Nature has a tendency to average things out.

Overall, the golf course is holding up well, and if there is a silver lining to these rain events it helps us pin point further deficiencies with drainage across the golf course. Also, in the past week, two trees sustained significant damage. A large Pin Oak behind #9 tee and a Beech tree located near the forward tee, also on #9. The grounds staff behind the scenes continues to do a tremendous job getting the golf course ready for play.

In the meantime we are hopeful that the extreme weather will subside and allow everyone to play golf.


Pat O’Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Friday, April 22, 2011

Men Opening Scramble Postponed

Unfortunately, Mother Nature has not been cooperating this month to get out and enjoy the golf course. With almost record rainfall for the month of April, and more anticipated, the Men’s Opening Day Scramble has postponed until Saturday, April 30th. Please check with the Golf Shop for updates, as well as here for the latest course conditions that are updated daily via twitter.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cool Weather Crops

With the cold and rainy start of this spring most people don’t think of growing flowers and vegetables. There are multiple cool weather flowers and vegetables that love this time of year such as the tulips planted last fall which are now in full bloom.

Also, in the vegetable garden located behind #4 green, cool weather crops such as cabbage, peas and radishes were planted mid-march in hope of extending the growing season. Succession planting of cool weather crops before the warmer summer crops of tomatoes and squash is a great way extending the growing season and the productivity of the garden. The goal of the garden is to help keep food costs down as well as providing fresh organic “home grown” produce.

For additional information on cool weather vegetables click here


Keep an eye open for spring wildflowers now in blooms like
Virginia Bluebells AND White Trillium

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


All greens are complete! We expect a two-three week healing period.


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Green Aerfication Continues

Green Aerfification continues today with the golf course open. We hope to finish by early afternoon on Thursday. Please avoid hitting into the Grounds staff while they are completing the process. The order we will be completing the aerification is as follows.

As always, thank-you for you patience.

Green Aerification on #9


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Monday, April 4, 2011

Green Aerification

One week of healing after aerification

The Aerification of the greens began today, with good success until the rain moved into Southwest Ohio. The grounds crew managed to complete six greens (10,11,13,14,15,16). These greens were chosen because of their location on the course and the soil conditions. With 3/4 of an inch of rain today it is unlikely we will be able to aerify tomorrow due to the moist conditions. We are hopeful to continue on Wednesday and finish this week. Please stayed tuned...


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent