Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tree Program: "Brush" Removal

Tree Management at Hyde Park:

As part of the tree management program at Hyde Park, a focus has been placed on the extensive removal of “brush” including Honey Suckle, Poison Ivy and various types of vines. This program has opened up vistas, improved air movement and reduced encroachment of these weeds that inhibit growth of native tree species and shrubs. Close to six acres of “brush” has been removed since 2004, with the current initiative focused along Erie Avenue and the left side of # 2 tee. In the long-term the work beside #2 tee will include planting of fine fescues and various native trees to enhance the area. Below are a few photos from past areas that have been cleaned up.

Right of #7 Green

In front of #14 tee

Right of #7 green

Right of # 7 green

Attached, is a link for further information on the removal of Honey Suckle.(


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Snow Mold Preventative Fungicide Application

The bentgrass tees and approaches at Hyde Park were treated with a fungicide to prevent Snow Mold on Thursday. One application is applied annually to the greens, tees and approaches from November to January.

What is Snow Mold?????

There are two types of snow mold that may affect turfgrass, gray snow mold and pink snow mold. Gray snow mold is rarely a serious problem in South West Ohio since it requires extended periods of snow cover to develop (30 days for mild infections to begin and 90 days or more for serious outbreaks). Unlike gray snow mold, pink snow mold does not require snow cover but snow cover can promote disease outbreaks in certain situations. Since pink snow mold is promoted by wet conditions, we can reduce the possibility of disease by maintaining normal mowing heights into the fall until growth has nearly stopped to avoid long grass that may become matted and wet (Purdue University, 2004).

Applying fungicides to the 1st tee