Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Around the Grounds-Spring Edition

The Grounds team and I are shifting into the golf season after a busy off-season with work on the Restoration Plan, behind the scenes the team will continue to work on the plan, however our focus is on the playability of the golf course. 


The Zoysiagrass is beginning to show hints of green in the canopy and we are hopeful that the transition will occur sooner than later to allow carts to scatter to the fairways. Cart traffic can be a challenge to the health of the Zoysia with its slow recuperative capacity during the cooler months. Click on this link for more information. 


The putting greens will be aerified on April 15th (Course Closed) 16th and 17th (Course Open with temporary hole locations in the fairways)- Pending weather and soil conditions. Thanks for you patience the healing process will take 3-4 weeks for full recovery.

Turfgrass Interns:

We are excited to welcome 3 gentleman this season to Hyde Park for 20th year of our Turfgrass intern program with many success stories over the years from all over the world.  

Fraser Curran, Scotland-Glasgow Golf Club

Lindo joins us from South Africa

Jake Gulley, Northern Kentucky- Pittsburg Steelers Grounds Staff

Clay Tennis Courts:

The spring conditioning of the tennis courts was finished recently and our tennis team is working on some minor details, however they are in great condition for this time of year and open for play.


Bryan Miller, Director of Horticulture  has been busy around the Club with pruning, select plant replacement, near the Pickleball area and mulching will begin shortly. The tulips are starting to peak out and we are hopeful to see more shining by Easter. 

Other Initiatives Around the Grounds Include:

Herbicide treatments to the Bermuda grass on #4 hillside and inner seeding of multiple types of cool-season grasses to enhance playability. This is a work in progress with different timing and rates of a selective herbicide to reduce the Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass offers playability challenges and is considered a weed at HP. 

The Grounds team will be working on the final seeding of the hillsides on #8 and inner seeding of the primary rough areas post winter herbicide applications to remove creeping bentgrass.

Bentgrass removal 

Innerseeding in the rough

Thanks for the feedback and questions on the golf course please do not to hesitate to reach out to


Pat O'Brien 
Grounds Superintendent