Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

July Update

Photo Credit: Jared Marshall

The weather conditions in the Ohio Valley continue to be on the drier side of the continuum, which puts us in control of the moisture but it has posed a few challenges. With just over an 1.5” of total rain for the month of June the irrigation system has been put to the test, using about 4.2 million gallons of water, with 65% of this usage focused in the roughs across the property.  There is certainly a little more roll on the fairways!

Seeding Trial #15 

The seeding trial on #15 has progressed well, we are now investigating

how little irrigation water is needed to sustain the turf. So far, the Fescue turf looks good and we have used about 40% less water in this area compared to the mix stands of turf across the property. I am disappointed with the final composition of the rough on #2, unfortunately the late seeding allowed for Annual Bluegrass to outcompete the Fescue in a few areas, this will be noticeable in the summer months.

Seeding Trial #15- Reduced Water Inputs 

Zoysiagrass Winter Injury 

The Zoysiagrass continues to heal from the winter injury sustained in December of 2022, the Grounds team has focused on replacing thin areas with Zoysia plugs and sod throughout the property. Extra fertilizer and water has been applied to these areas to improve the appearance of the turf. The Zoysia sod is currently coming from the nursery behind #4 green. We have been also experimenting with new greens height Bentgrass types that exhibit excellent disease and heat tolerance with fewer inputs.

Sod Nursery 

Thanks again for the feedback and questions please send us a note to


Pat O'Brien 

Grounds Superintendent