Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Zoysia and Storms!


Thank-you to the entire membership for your patience during the month of June, multiple storms created many delays and restrictions on the golf course.  Over the past month, roughly 600 personnel and outside contract labor hours have been utilized after the storms passed through. A big thanks to our entire grounds team; they continue to shine even during the most challenging moments. We are hopeful Mother Nature will be a little more forgiving in July?!


Many of you have noted  the Zoysia continues to fill-in from the Winter Injury, the consistent warm temperatures and longer days have increased the Growth Potential significantly. We have about 600 square feet of Zoysia sod that will be replaced on the 5th, 16th and 11th fairways. We have made a few more applications of fertilizer and spot aeration will aid in the recovery of the smaller areas.


Over the coming weeks our team will continue with small drainage projects, particularly in low lying areas of the fairways. This week we corrected the wet area near the lower middle tee on the 7th. The entire area behind the 6th green and 7th tees is notorious for naturally occurring springs and is noted by Donald Ross in his design notes from the early 1920’s.


With the summer in full swing there are many strategies we employ to reduce the stress to the putting greens. 


Use of fans to reduce the canopy temperatures

-Precise watering with hoses to ensure uniform moisture across the surface 

-Daily moisture data collection each day to assess plant requirements 

-Daily monitoring of Turfgrass growth through collection and measurement of grass clippings 

Use of lattice to reduce wear on the collars from mowers turning

Strategic application of plant protectants and fertilizer to enhance plant health 


Next week, Hyde Park Turfgrass Intern, Joe Faulk will be representing HP and the Ohio State International Intern program as an Agronomy volunteer at the John Deere Classic. Joe has brought a wealth of experience from his years at The Royal Blackheath Golf Club in London, England. He has been a huge help this year and we are excited to hear about his experience when he returns.

Joe Faulk- Turfgrass Intern

As always, thank-you for your feedback and questions on the golf course and grounds at Hyde Park. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at


Pat O'Brien,

Grounds Superintendent