Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June Update

 With the 2022 golf season in full swing the Grounds team has been very busy in-between record breaking levels of precipitation. The Zoysia grass has begun to shine, many of the thin areas from winter injury are starting to fill in and our team has sodded other areas.  There has been a shortage of Zoysia grass in the Midwest so we have been converting the Zoysia surrounds on 3rd hole to turf type tall fescue. The turf type tall fescue will slow golf balls down from hitting the path and ending up in the creek. This area has been mowed at fairway height and will allow for a seamless transition once moved to the the fairways.

The planting of summertime annuals is winding down, with over 2200 individual flowers planted this year. Among those are over 25 different varieties, ranging from staples like begonias and petunias to some not so common varieties like cuphea and cleome. There's also a nice mix of tropicals like Banana trees, Canna, Mandeville, and Hibiscus.

In the next week or so, fertilization on the flowers will begin to ensure the proper nutrients are given and then let things heat up and have mother nature take over. The flowers will begin to fill the landscape up and put on a good show.

As always thanks for the comments and questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent