Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Winter Update Around the Grounds

Frozen Soil-

With the consistent cold temperatures the soil profile in the greens is frozen to a depth of approximately 3 inches. The concentrated foot traffic pattern on the putting surfaces can cause damage to the root system due to the potential shearing of roots from foot traffic while thawing.  Next week, we anticipate a thaw to occur, however it will take some time for the frost to be completely out of the profile on the greens. We will continue monitor and update the membership via email when the course will be open. The photo below, is an example of the amount of traffic that occurs from just a single foursome.


Foot Traffic From One Foursome


Silt Remediation #3/#4-

January has brought a long stretch of cold temperatures, a great opportunity to get some tasks completed that might be difficult to do so when the ground is soft. Led by Bryan Miller, (Horticulturalist) the Grounds team finished the last 150 yards of silt removal in the ditch along #4 to the back of the green on #3. While cleaning these areas up, numerous old drains were exposed, repaired and erosion measures were employed in many areas. The last area to improve on the ditch line will be along the fairway on #6.

Hole #4

Zoysia Fairways-

Overall, the fairways look very healthy and weed free, there are no signs of winter injury at this point. Winter injury on Zoysia usually occurs in high traffic, poorly drained and shaded areas. Significant swings in temperature from warm to extreme cold without an insulating effect from the snow can be a perfect storm for winter injury. The photo below is the 9th Fairway in 2019; shade reduction in this area has made a significant difference in turf health.

Winter Injury 2019
Waste Management Phoenix Open, 2022 

As many of you know our team members at HP take the opportunity each season to volunteer at PGA/USGA events around the country to help the host Agronomic teams. Each experience is a little different, the take home ideas and strategies in leadership and turf management are diverse, many relationships are forged and we come back invigorated with ideas to share at HP.  Arron Garret, Assistant Grounds Superintendent and Zach Neuhaus were both selected to represent HP at TPC of Scottsdale for the Waste Management Phoenix Open.

Arron and Zach 


Other Initiatives Around the Grounds-

  • Preventative maintenance on all equipment 
  • Master Plan development 
  • Staff recruitment- Guest Worker Visas/ Interns 
  • Tree Management Program 

As always, thanks for the feedback and questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent