Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Aeration Update

With the Founders Cup in the rear-view mirror, the team is moving to the aeration of the putting surfaces. We began the process on Sunday evening to try to complete a few greens before the next cold front comes through with potentially heavy rain. Aeration is one of the most beneficial agronomic processes to help with these 100-year-old surfaces. Each year we conduct physical properties testing of the existing greens to tell us how we are doing with the management of the underlying rootzone. These data points help us identify challenges and assist in creating a strategic plan with cultural practices such as sand topdressing and aeration.


Once the plan is created it is time for our team to execute, each golf course or turf manager may have a different strategy based on the conditions, availability of labor and grass types. This link from the USGA Green Section gives a general view of the ins and outs of aeration. 

At Hyde Park this year we plan to impact 8-10 percent of surface area with this aeration while incorporating about 80-100 tons of sand to a depth of 2.5”. In order for the aeration to be successful we need to have dry weather and the soil profile needs to be at an ideal moisture content, if the underlying profile is too wet there is a risk of damage from the equipment and wet sand does not work into the open holes well. The forecast has not been in our favor this week with multiple days of rain slated, which has delayed our progress. (6 greens have been completed) We will have a better idea on resumption when the front moves through on Thursday afternoon. We will continue to update the membership as we know more about the soil conditions to complete the aeration and begin the healing process as soon as possible.


The Aeration Process at HP


We utilize a large tractor mounted aerifier, the cores are left on the surface to dry and they are shoveled or pushed into piles and picked up by the team.


Close-up of cores 

Tractor Mounted Aerator 

Pushing Dry Cores into piles for pick-up

Sand is applied via our sand topdressers and our team will utilize various leaf blowers to integrate the sand into the thousands of holes, the blowers reduce abrasion to the plant that would be seen from utilizing a large brush to move sand into the holes.  Our goal is to fill the holes with clean sand to improve drainage, increase firmness, remove unwanted organic matter and improve overall plant health.

Incorporating Sand Into the Open Channels 

Following the incorporation of the sand, the greens are fertilized to encourage growth and rolled to smooth. Unfortunatley, the healing process in the first week is extremely slow, we are unable to mow the greens until the plants grow through the sand layer applied. Generally, with ideal growing conditions, complete recovery will take 3-4 weeks. 

Post Sand Incorporation 

Thanks for your patience while we get a little cooperation from the weather to complete the process. 

Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Grounds Update 9-10-21

The 2021 season continues to move forward quite quickly, many people are surprised when I say this time of year is incredibly challenging and busy with preparations for the final events, while also focusing on agronomics for the 2022 season. The 2021 season has been filled with many challenges to say the least, Mother Nature has thrown many curve balls with an extremely wet spring, a beyond dry July and the last couple weeks of August; the weather quite frankly was miserable to grow turf in this area. These conditions kept our team constantly pivoting, responding to the turf health and adjusting practices to keep the grass moving in the right direction. The Grounds and Horticulture team has done a wonderful job this year, in true fashion we have learned a lot from this season and I cannot thank our team enough for their flexibility, creativity and hard work to make the Member experience at Hyde Park the best it can be. 

Over the coming weeks the team will focus on the following:


Innerseeding of the roughs with Turf Type tall fescue will begin soon.  Most of the rough so far has faired quite well, introducing more Turf Type Tall fescue varieties will improve playability, disease tolerance and overall quality of the stand. Fall Army Worm has created havoc in this area this year and looks like there is another generation of caterpillars that will be looking to feast on green turf over the next couple weeks.

White Egg Masses Laid on Flag by Fall Army Worm 

Innerseeding of Tall Fescue

Green Aeration:

The team and I are getting geared up for one of the most important and dreaded practices of the season; green aeration. The green aeration is scheduled for September 20th to the 23rd. During this time the golf course will be open however temporary flags be set up in the fairway while we complete multiple processes to the greens. We intend to have the aeration finished during this time period however, weather may dictate a different schedule, we will update the membership via email on the progress. The recovery of the turf will take 3-4 weeks. 

Other Initiatives:

Turf nursery preparations have begun for trials of new creeping bentgrass cultivars, the old bent grass types the greens had a difficult time this season with the extremes. We were able to introduce 2 new bentgrass varieties in our plug work on a couple greens.

Front Entrance Landscaping- Bryan has been able to source all of the plant material (which has been a challenge), the last of the remaining plants will be removed along Erie ave. post green aeration and we will begin planting in late September-Early October when cooler temperatures arrive. 

High Rough mowing continues with about 2 acres that will require string trimming because of the terrain. Once completed, herbicide applications will begin in late September. 

In closing, thank-you from our team and I to the entire membership for your understanding and patience while we have had to make adjustments to our practices to maintain existing turf stands. 2021 has been a very interesting and challenging year filled with many learning moments. If there are any questions or concerns please email us at


Grounds Superintendent