Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Playing Catch-up

The month of May has been a challenge with almost 9” of rain and counting, which has left carts on the path more consistently then I can remember? Unfortunately, cart traffic on saturated soils can leave lasting damage to the turf. Here are some helpful cart operation tips when the green light is given to scatter from the paths: 
  • Please operate carts in the fairways
  • Exit fairways at the cart directional signs (please do not drive past the signs)
  • Please avoid tight turns 
  • Be mindful not to traverse steep hills 4,10, 12 etc.
  • Please do not drive down into the swales on 9 and 17
  • Please remember to operate carts on the path on the Par 3s 
Thanks again, for your patience while we continue to dry out.

It is nice to see the greens have finally recovered from April’s aeration. Thanks for your help with repairing ball marks on the putting greens. The image below gives a good explanation on how to properly repair a ball mark.
Over the next few days the team is focusing on mowing the grass, very carefully. In many areas we will have to use small light weight mowers or even string trimmers. Thankfully, we have not fertilized the rough this spring!

Bryan Miller, Horticulturalist has been very busy with planting of the summer annuals, when you see him around the clubhouse he would be happy to chat about the new designs and plants.

Thanks again for the feedback and questions concerning the grounds at Hyde Park.


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Agronomic Update 5.14.20

Hard to believe it is the middle of May, and we are starting to see the Zoysia grass finally awake. There are many areas that are a little slower to transition, but I am hopeful with the warmth we will see consistent growth. For the moment, the weather trend looks to be above normal precipitation with warmer temperatures. Warm and dry weather would be fantastic; improving playability while increasing growth rates of the Zoysia grass. 

A few things of note on the course and around the grounds of Hyde Park:

A "purple haze" has been noted in some areas in the Zoysia grass. This time of year, Zoysia grass can produce a purple seed head. We use plant growth regulators in the fall to suppress the seed head for the following spring. We achieved over 90 percent control thus far with this application, across the 26 acres of fairways. The approach areas on #4 and #9  have exhibited more seed development than other areas. To be honest, I am not exactly sure why and no one has an explanation at this point!

Above: A close up of the Zoysia  seedhead on the 4th approach. As growth rates increase along with mowing frequency, the seedhead will be mowed off to create a smooth surface. 

With the wet spring and cooler temperatures a plant pathogen called Large Patch (Below) has been exhibiting symptoms in select areas of the fairways. We have applied a fungicide to these areas and we will see recovery over the next month. 

Across the property, we have roped off or have placed red pin flags (Below) in areas where carts should not travel through. Please continue to play your shot from these areas. Most of the areas noted with the flags are notoriously wet and or shaded where the Zoysia grass is slow to transition. The red flags also act as visual cues for our team not to mow these areas until the turf is actively growing!

At the practice area please refrain from hitting from the Zoysia grass in front of the teeing line,  the turning and twisting of the golf shoe, even while practicing a driver is a detriment to the Zoysia. It won't be long until the Zoysia tee will open for practice!

On the 3rd hole, the Zoysia continues to grow-in well, we are slowly reducing the mowing height to match the existing Zoysia grass in the fairways. It will take until Mid-July to achieve the desired height of turf. 

Thanks again for your patience, while we wait for Mother Nature to help with some warm and dry weather. If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to send us a note to 


Pat O'Brien 
Grounds Superintendent