Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Arrival of Spring

The golf course and grounds has faired quite well over the winter, the new plant material installed during the Legacy renovations looks healthy at this point. The staff has been busy on and off the golf course playing a little catch-up from 2018. One of the last phases of the Legacy Project is the construction of a new equipment storage building located near the existing grounds building. This pole style building will allow all of the equipment to be stored inside out of the elements. The Grounds team has been involved with site work including; drainage installation, final grading and site restoration.  Target date for completion is mid April.

Putting green aerfication will begin the week of April 1st and take  2- 3 days with ideal weather. The golf course will be open but temporary hole locations will be located in the fairways while the staff completes this important process. Thank-you for your patience!

Over the coming weeks the staff will continue to chip away at small projects on the course that include:
  • Turf fan installation near the 7th green
  • Drainage improvements  the 6th approach area near the green
  • Removal of a dying oak tree on the right side of #8 fairway in the rough

  • Practice area green will open first week of May pending turf health
  • Bentgrass teeing area will open in Mid to Late April and the Zoysia teeing area will open in May. 
  • Bunker rakes are to be placed on the outside of the bunker on least steep area
  • Please do not walk up the steep faces of the bunker, turf damage will occur

As always thank-you for your feedback and questions concerning the grounds and golf course at Hyde Park. 


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent