Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April Showers bring May Flowers?

Here's hoping for some average weather in the Ohio Valley, below normal temperatures and well above average precipitation including multiple measurable snow events in April has been a challenge on the course and for the Legacy project.

On the course; the putting surfaces have been aerified, we choose to use a less intrusive method this year to help with faster recovery. So far, this was a good choice considering the lack of growth of the grass plant due to low soil temperatures. It won't be long until they are healed!

The Zoysia grass fairways continue to lag behind with the cooler temperatures limiting the cart traffic on the fairways. Zoysia grass, being a warm season grass requires warmer soil temperatures to grow and recover from any damage. Cart traffic and wet soils are a perfect combination to damage this slow growing Turfgrass. With a little help from Mother Nature It won't be long until carts are consistently off the path.

Damage from cart traffic

Another sign spring is finally here is Bryan is hard at work in the garden at Hyde Park with many spring selections for Chef. Stayed tuned!

The Spring also signifies the arrival of our seasonal staff including our Turfgrass Interns. James Quinn, is the first to arrive, from England part of Ohio International Intern program at Ohio State. James will play a key role in our Turfgrass team, preparing him for his future in the Turfgrass industry.

Here is a little about James!

Hi, my name is James. I am from Cheshire, England and I am an exchange Turfgrass intern here on the Ohio State Program through the Ohio State University. I have been a greenkeeper for 4 years at both a 9 &18 hole golf course in my home country. I have studied music my whole life and I have a degree in music production from Leeds Met University. Then when I finished my degree I got a summer job at one of my local golf courses and never left. After 6 months of work there I started my Sports Turf Maintenance course and 18 months later I gained my level 2 qualification. I have always wanted to live in the U.S.A and when I found out about The Ohio Program it seemed like the next logical not only for my life in general but for my new career too.

Welcome James.


The weather, once again has been the story, considering these challenges the construction of the practice facility continues to move in the right direction. The golf course contractor, Golf Preservations and Golf Course Architect, Tim Liddy will be onsite in early May to begin fine shaping, bunker construction and drainage installation. My fingers are crossed for dry and seasonal temperatures!

For more information on the Legacy renovations please follow us along on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Legacy Update- Mud pit to dust bowl

Last week despite a wet start, Precision Site Development made tremendous headway with fill and grading operations on the South Side of the Legacy project. With over 5000 yards of soil moved and compacted, the range, short game and the site for the teaching academy building are taking shape.

Off-Road Hauler holds 25 yards of soil

The key for these operations to be successful are dry soil and weather to allow the off road haulers to move soil as well as for the proper compaction of the soil to occur to eliminate settling. Another interesting piece attached to the fill operations is the depth of the topsoil on the hill. In some areas there is over 2 feet of nutrient rich topsoil, the problem is it does not compact well so it will be stored on site and used in the future for grounds projects for years to come. The back of the range, a borrow pit will be used, quality compactable fill will be removed for the Legacy project and topsoil will fill the void in this area.

Topsoil Stock Pile

Here's hoping for dry and seasonal weather to greet the Golf Course Contractor and Golf Course Architect, Tim Liddy the first week of May to begin the detail work of shaping, drainage and irrigation installation.

Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Preparing For the Future

Spring is here! So we're told, even though it doesn't feel like it at times. Spring bulbs are beginning to emerge and bloom. The Crocus were first to show off their colors and now the Daffodils and Tulips are starting to bloom.

Bed prep is underway for all of the new landscaping going in as part of the Legacy project. Old material was removed throughout the winter and once the ground began to thaw out, the new beds were laid out and the ground was tilled.

Conduit was also laid out and buried to make way for future landscape lighting and Christmas lights.

New pool beds have begun to take shape as well. They will receive some nice garden soil mix before plants go into the ground. A mix of top soil, aged manure, and leaf mold.

As soon as we get a few days without rain and start drying out a bit the pace will pick up again and before you know it, new plants will be in the ground.

Bryan Miller, OCNT


Hyde Park Golf and Country Club