Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Zoysia grass beginning to wake up

Even with the large amounts of rainfall the golf course and grounds continues to hold up extremely well after a roller coaster of a ride winter season.  The staff and I have been extremely busy with many initiatives, which include:
  • First mowing of the putting surfaces (just a week later then last year)
  • Selective brush removal along property line while maintaining a native plant buffer 
  • Repair of wall on 15 (this wall will require long-term will need to be removed
  • Fence repair near 7 tee
  • Applications of non-selective herbicide to dormant Zoysia grass
  • Staff recruitment, specifically navigating the pitfalls of the temporary work visas for our seasonal workers 
  • Final preventative equipment maintenance for the season
  • Continued debris clean-up across the course
  • Tree Management Program
Brush Removal Near 4 tee
After Removal

Initial Demo Area 

The Legacy Plan continues to move forward with multitude of operations on the South Side which include:

  • Removal of trees in wooded area noted in above photo (a buffer will remain on the edge of Erie and the proposed Wasson Way along with new plantings) to make room for 2 new hard courts and 4 clay tennis courts 
  • Removal of upper tennis courts to make room for short game area and expanded range tee and 2 pickle ball courts
  • The demo operations are slated to last for 3-4weeks
  • Cart path enhancements behind the 18th green and 10th tee near the new snack shack will begin the week of the 2/26
  • Construction fence will be erected on the South Side over the next couple weeks
  • Fill and topsoil will be moved from North Side operations to stock pile near the Grounds building 
  • Tear down and relocation of platform courts on site  (after March 5th)
  • Please beware of signs and cones during these operations with construction equipment traversing the property 
  • Final designs are being developed for South Side landscape and irrigation design 
  • Continued locates of Sanitary and water lines for grounds


Tennis courts are removed
Updated design of Practice area

 Over the coming months the Ground's Staff and I will be extremely busy with the Legacy renovations along with the regular operations on the Grounds at Hyde Park. For more information about the Legacy Plan and golf course operations, please follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc or refer to this blog: or we can be reached at


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent