It was a very busy year, on all ends, at the club. As the year wraps up, I wanted to share some of the changes that occurred in the landscape world. The landscape has changed quite a bit over the last 18 months. From completely new landscape beds to renovated beds, we more than doubled the landscape square footages! We also doubled the square footages of the annual beds! There are also added window boxes and containers being placed around the new paddle building and tennis courts, as well as at the entrance of the golf teaching facility.
Come next spring and summer, the club is going to be blooming on all ends with new flowering shrubs and perennials and a lot more annuals. With added square footages and plants, comes more challenges and more maintenance (mulching, pruning, edging, dead-heading, weeding). So far, the new plant material is doing very well. Getting through the first winter is crucial in establishing new plants.
Exciting times are on the horizon with a lot of learning opportunities in the horticulture realm. I can't wait to see the landscape evolve as plants begin to establish themselves and fill in the landscape the way we envision them. Over the last couple weeks, I have been working on getting designs ready for the 2019 annual beds. Designs have been completed and the plants have been ordered! Just a waiting game now until warmer weather heads our way! If you have any questions or comments about anything, don't hesitate to stop and ask me.
Happy New Year!
Bryan Miller, Horticulturist
@HPGCCPlantman on Twitter