With the recent approval of The Legacy Plan for the South Side, the Grounds team and I have been very busy with final winter preparations on the golf course and grounds, along with whole host of activities surrounding the Legacy plan on the both the South and North sides. 2018 will be an exciting and busy time!
Golf Course Operations:
The staff continues to move forward with the following tasks:
Deep Tine Aeration |
- Leaf removal. Which will continue well into December
- Final fall Herbicide applications to all 70 Acres of rough
- Winterization of the irrigation system
- Collaboration with the Grounds Commitee utilizing Ross drawings and Master plan for new 5 year plan for golf course and grounds
- Staffing for 2018 season
5-year plan template |
Legacy Plan:
- Landscape and irrigation and plans are approved
- Staff will begin removing dated landscape at front and rear of clubhouse
- Developing timelines for landscape and irrigation install
- Collaboration with multiple contractors
Landscape Plans-North |
Dated Landscape Rear Clubhouse |
Legacy Plan:
Practice Area |
Logistics- The South phase scope of work is significant and the compact site will pose many challenges
there are many details to work through.
Collaboration- working with multiple contractors and stakeholders to ensure a successful project.
Communication-use of multiple platforms to share information.
Execution- project management while maintaining golf course and grounds.
Over the coming weeks please check in or subscribe to our Grounds Blog: www.hydeparkgolfandcountryclub.blogspot.com
Follow us on twitter: @pobrienhpgcc
Or get caught up with daily HP emails concerning the Legacy Plan
As we head into the Holiday Season I would like to wish the entire HP membership and Grounds team a very Happy Thanksgiving!
If there are any questions or feedback please email me: grounds@hydeparkcc.com
Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent