Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Putting Greens at Hyde Park-2017

With the 2017 season coming to a close there has been much discussion about the putting greens and the consistency noted throughout the entire season. The composition of the putting greens over the last 4 years have changed significantly, therefore our practices have changed as well.
In 2013, with the help of the Grounds Committee we began to look closely at the challenges of managing Annual Bluegrass (Poa) an unwanted Turfgrass at Hyde Park. Poa is susceptible to many plant pathogens, it has poor heat tolerance and can provide a particularly bumpy surface in the spring due to seed head production.
Putting green 2013- 50 percent Poa?
2017- less than 5%
The timing was almost perfect, the recent additions of internal drainage in the 100 year old greens, along with significant tree removal, gave us the opportunity to shift our practices to encourage bentgrass. The challenges ahead included improving the physical properties of the profile below and managing playability while the Poa was shrinking?

Our program was compreshensive, we incorporated many strategies that other Turfgrass managers were using to enhance bentgrass which included:
2013- First use of plant growth regulator to slow growth of Poa
Sand topdressing to fill voids of shrinking Poa and improve phyical properties of the profile.

Physical removal of Poa
Solid Tine aeration to reduce bringing Poa seed to surface
Other practices that have helped to reduce Poa populations to less than 5%:
  • Smooth front rollers on mowers
  • Increased lightweight rolling
  • Precise moisture management
  • A great staff that understands the vision and strategies to make the putting surfaces better!
To further help to enhance the putting quality on a daily basis we track data on ball roll, moisture and growth rates of the plant to see what inputs are needed? On a yearly basis we monitor closely how cultural practices are paying off with laboratory testing of the growing medium. So far, we are happy with the results of the program, but the learning curve has been steep trying to figure out how these old bentgrass types respond to nitrogen rates, traffic and playability. Thanks again for the feedback, we are excited to see how are strategies enhance the surfaces in 2018! Our next target is Poa control in the rough, stay tuned.

The addition of turf fans to lower canopy temperatures
Bryan showing off his grass clippings!
Clipping yield bucket
If there are any questions or feedback we can be reached at

Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent