The heat and humidity is starting to ramp up in the Ohio Valley, this is the time of the year the Zoysia grass and Bryan's plantings truly start to shine. With that said, the cool season grasses begin to show stress from the elements. Over the next two months, we get an opportunity to showcase how our Turfgrass Managment strategies and programs correlate with consistent playing condtions.
Signs of Summer Patch in the Rough |
The rough has been a topic of discussion as of late, it continues to be a challenge with a dense healthy Turfgrass stand. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately; the rough will begin to thin out. The primary rough at Hyde Park has high populations of Annual Bluegrass, an unwanted Turfgrass plant that is very susceptible to many plant fungi and struggles to withstand the stresses of summer. Long-term; the grasses in the rough need to be converted to Turf Type Tall Fescue, this will take patience and persistence, requiring more inputs initially but is more sustainable over the long-term. This season we have tried to prolong the life the of the Annual Bluegrass in the rough with increased inputs of fungicides and fertilizer until a long-term strategy is presented to the Grounds Committee.
Fungicide Applications in the Rough |
Over the summer months we have many tools and strategies to reduce stress on the Turfgrass grass plant.
Fans! Yes, fans help tremendously with circulating air and reducing the canopy temperatures, this year we added a permanent electric fan on the 14th green along with a portable gas unit that will rotate around the course. Much of the time the gas unit will rotate between Holes 5, 6 and 7 until the electric service is run to these green sites. Please do not turn off the fans, they are valuable tools that will help with the extreme weather conditions.
Portable Gas Fan |
Equipment Mgr. Bob Giving his Seal of Approval |
Venting - small holes allow for oxygen exchange |
Another excellent tool to help sustain Turfgrass health is the use of the aerifier to produce small 1/4" holes to allow for gas exchange in the rootzone. For many Turfgrass Managers this practice is fondly known as "Venting". These small holes are created on a monthly basis and are not an issue to playability.
A couple dates to note:
July 17th Fairway Aerifcation
September 11th Putting Green Aerifcation
As always we appreciate you're questions and feedback concerning all things related to the Grounds at HP!
Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent