Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Project Time at HP

The summer is officially behind us with record heat and humidity, overall our staff and turf preformed well. In the coming weeks, the staff is engaged with enhancing the rough with more turf type tall fescue seed to replace some of the declining Annual Bluegrass that was impacted by Summer Patch. Please adhere to signs and periodic cart path only rules to allow the new seed to germinate.

Arron applying seed after cultivation and slit seeder on 6

The coming weeks we shift from maintenance to project mode with many new iniatives:

The remaining green drainage on holes 13 and 8 will be completed, all the greens will now have functioning drainage! This work will begin the week of October 3rd. One green at a time will be completed to reduce hole closures, this process will take 3 days and will be playable once finished.

Fairway drainage will be completed on 17, this will improve the playability of this area, and will serve as a trial for future work. This process will take roughly a week with hole closures for safety.

Arrows represent the new drainage that will be installed.

Our staff will continue to work on tee renovations on holes 5 and 12 along with running new electric service for a fan on 14 green.

Staff Horticulturalist, Bryan Miller has many new creations for fall plantings, many of which have not been seen before on the grounds of HP. Bryan is always happy to share ideas and tell you a little more about his wonderful designs and plant choices.

This is an exciting time of year for our staff to enhance you're experience with the many projects. As always we welcome your feedback and comments, we can be reached via email or follow us on Twitter @pobrienhpgcc