Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Golf Course Update

Spring Aerifcation

Winter at Hyde Park was brief, and mostly without cold and snow save for a few days here and there. Spring is here, and arrived early as our first mowing of the putting surfaces was February 28th. The warmer temperatures allowed the grounds staff to complete spring aerification soon after on March 16th, which is the approximate date of our first mowing in a "normal" year.

Spring Aerification

The mild fall and winter months enabled the staff to complete some important projects with the help of outside contractors. The cart path paving project completed by the end of October, allowing all sod and newly seeded areas to root and grow in before winter. The excessive rain and downpours we experienced have not negatively impacted this project and we are pleased with how it wintered.

Small hollow-tine Aerification of drain lines

Almost immediately following the path project began the installation of internal drainage on greens 4, 8, 9, 12 and 17. Again, like previous years of drainage work, we are seeing excellent results and benefits to our membership. The ability to allow our 100 year old native greens to drain properly and dry out allows for the golf course to be open more often following heavy rains, without negatively impacting the putting surfaces. Like previous years, we will need to pay extra attention to the drain lines. Additional cultural practices, nutrients, and water will all be needed.

Lastly, an update on our zoysiagrass fairways. The fairways also wintered very well, and have transitioned from dormancy rather quickly. Not only is the color fantastic for this time of year, but the playability as well. A warm and dry weather pattern has allowed carts to be able to scatter consistently for the past week, and ball roll has been tremendous for April. A reminder though, in the spring cart status may change more often following rain events, as the fairways are still slow to uptake or remove excess water.

As always, you can follow us on Twitter, @djlaw308 and @pobrienhpgcc, for course updates and cart status, as well as checking with the golf shop prior to your round.


Thanks and enjoy the 2016 golf season!


Dan Lawendowski

Assistant Grounds Superintendent


Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Has Arrived

Spring got here in a hurry this year. In typical Cincinnati fashion,we had warm stretches throughout March followed by some cold spells. We saw our first tulip bloom in early March. The classic red and yellow tulips in main beds are being accompanied with some new varieties, Merry Go Round (orange/purple) and Torch Song (white/red/yellow).

Mulching got underway in late February. 70 yards or two dump truck loads of mulch were dropped off that will be used this season on the grounds. Beds were weeded and edged and pre-emergent thrown down before being mulched.


And the vegetable garden has been tilled and mulched and is ready for some veggies.

Tips for the garden: if you have a deer problem and they are eating your plants, sprinkle some milorganite in your beds to deter them. We have had good success with this method so far this spring. Also, if you are needing to do some soil amending, try using pine fines as a mulch in late winter/early spring and tilling it in before planting your annuals.

Happy Planting!

Bryan Miller, Horticulturist