Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Practice Tee

A few folks have been inquiring why practice was limited to the mats this week. As many of you know the tee at HP is far too small (less than 20,000 square feet) for the amount of use it receives. Therefore, there are periodic times where practice is limited on the grass to enhance divot recovery. This time of year is an excellent time to germinate seed. On Monday, the staff innerseeded, fertilized, topdresesed and drop seeded bentgrass to help with recovery. Over the next week we will be applying water more frequently to allow for the seedlings to survive.


Another Way to enhance divot recovery is the use of a lineal divot pattern as noted in the photo below. This practice technique allows the space to be used more efficiently and allowing the divot to recover via seed and vegetatively from the edges.

If the are any questions please email us


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Preparations for next year!

Late August is a busy time for the Grounds Staff, the college students are returning to school and projects are starting to gear up. Recently the staff has completed aeration of the tees and greens with great results. Aeration during this time frame can be a challenge on the turf due to extreme temperatures but the healing process is much faster compared to late Septmeber and generally the golf calendar is slower with the return to school for Elementary and Highschool students.

Day 1
Day 4

The greens are bumpy and slow but they have filled in well, as noted in the photo above.

The staff and I have been busy with other initiatives such as:

  • Slicing of the fairways to reduce compaction and improve water movement
  • Rough aeration and spot seeding to enhance turf type tall fescue populations
Rough Aeration

Fall Projects

The are a few key projects this fall including;

Cart path renovations totaling close to 1.5 miles on Holes 7, 8, 2, 1 and 18. This project will commence September 21st and should be completed in 3-5 weeks pending weather conditions. The golf course will be open during this process, however hole closures may need to be employed to ensure the safety of the contractors and our staff. Updates and progress will occur via Twitter and the Grounds Blog.

Scope of the work including cart path re-routes, drainage and irrigation relocation

Other projects will include added green drainage on holes 8, 9, 12 and 17 along with tee enhancements.

As always, thanks for the feedback and questions concerning the initiatives on the golf course and grounds at Hyde Park. Please email us with any questions?


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendnt


Monday, August 10, 2015

Putting Green Aeration

The aeration of the putting surfaces will begin Sunday August 16th in the evening and will continue until Wednesday the 19th,  pending weather and soil conditions. The golf course will be open but temporary greens will be employed where the Grounds Staff is working. The aeration is scheduled during this time to enhance recovery and reduce the spread of annual bluegrass on the putting greens. If there are any questions please email me:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Saturated soils and Annual Bluegrass

The hot, humid and above average rainfall over the past few weeks in the Ohio Valley are beginning to challenge annual bluegrass in some areas of the rough at Hyde Park. Much of the the thinning of these areas is due to a plant pathogen called summer patch. Expensive preventative applications in the early spring are required to reduce this fungus, which has never been employed due to the large areas. Annual bluegrass (Poa) is not the desired turfgrass in any areas of the property, unforunately it thrives well in shaded, poorly drained areas. Over the past few years with the moderate summers, Poa has been able to out compete fescue with its prolific seed production that is viable for many years. Without a strategic approach of; shade reduction, herbicides, innerseeding programs Poa will continue to be a challenge.

Thinning of annual bluegrass in the rough, healthy fescue around it

Fescue blend is thriving well

Over the next couple weeks the staff will be seeding and aerifying these thinning areas with Turf Type Tall Fescue

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via email


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent