Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer is almost here!

The staff has been extremely busy with many tasks around the golf course and grounds of Hyde Park. As I have dissiscused many times in the past updates Mother Nature seems to be in control, in the month of April we had over 6 inches of rain and for the month of May we have accumulated just under .5 inch of precipitation. Drier conditions are better for playability, and turf health. Extremes, on the other hand are not welcomed!

Ben Evans taking a closer look at quality of cut

Over the next few weeks, new staff members will continue to filter in for the peak season. Many of our practices and inputs will increase in frequency to improve playability.

With the cooler temperatures in late May the Zoysia grass has seen limited growth, the staff continues to work on sodding some edges of fairways where Annual Bluegrass has crept in and removed, this has also given us an opportunity to do some minor contouring of areas to improve aesthetics. In many areas the zoysia is moving in. The approaches on 4 and 6 continue to be slow to fill in, however there are improvements, the slow growth of new Zoysia sod is typical, because it is laid dormant and needs warm temperatures to establish quickly! In the next couple weeks, replacement of thin areas in new sod will be replaced. Patience is needed until the warm temperatures arrive!

Each year we evaluate our current programs on the golf course, one of the most important ways to implement change incrementally is through trials and testing of practices and new products. Currently, we are conducting a trial on the putting green to reduce the populations of annual bluegrass further. Many of you have noted the populations of bentgrass have increased significantly (in some cases by 70%) on the putting surfaces over the past 3 years. We started this program of Annual Bluegrass reduction based upon trials at HP. Below are a few photos of a couple other trials we have on the go.

White dots represent different trial treatments to reduce Poa
Untreated Check Plot on back of 3
Zero inputs plot on th back of 4 tee- this area will not receive any chemicals or fertilizer

Mary Bush, Horticulturalist is doing a fantastic job with the planting of the annuals, she has implemented many new varieties and designs for you're viewing pleasure. Please don't hesitate to stop Mary and ask about the plants, she would be more then happy talk about her creations.


Some of the other initiatives on th golf course include:

  • Irrigation system audit and adjustments
  • Weed control in misc. areas including high rough areas
  • Training of new staff members
  • Cart path patching
  • Solid Tine aeration and topdressing of tees
  • Monitoring of sand depths and adjustments of sand in bunkers
As always, we welcome welcome feedback, please send us an email at or you can follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc for daily updates on the course and grounds.



Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Summer is almost here!

The recent warm and dry temperatures have allowed for more consistency with our practices on the golf course. The Zoysia is greening up well and we our close to our summer mowing heights. The staff is currently working on regrassing small sections of fairways that cool season grasses have crept in over time and minor winter damage. The cool season grasses have been sprayed with an herbicide to allow the Zoysia to grow back into these areas. Small areas will be aerified and the Zoysia will out compete when fully growing.

Larger areas as noted in the picture below will be physically removed and the grass line reshaped to create clean definition between the rough and Zoysia.
Heavily shaded areas have seen minor decline as well and will be regrassed over the next few weeks. The new sod on 4,6 are slow to green up and small sections will be replaced. These areas were a little more exposed over the winter compared to 8 which is doing much better. A few things to keep in mind with the new zoysia; the sod can be played out of, but beware of seams and please limit cart traffic across it.
Thanks for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the golf course.
Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent