Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Summer is here at Hyde Park!

The grounds of Hyde Park are buzzing with activity, the Grounds staff and I are engaged with many projects and daily maintenance. A couple key projects that continue to move forward are:

  • Last of the zoysia plugs and sod in weak areas will be compete this week. All of the sod requires a little more attention; added water, sand and fertilizer to enhance the playability
  • The fan located near the 3rd green has been placed and is operational. The fan will remain mounted all year round and covered during the winter months.


Great job by staff!

High rough renovation on 4 hillside will begin with multiple applications of Round-up followed by seeding of fine fescues right of the forward tee on 4. We will begin to renovate other areas of the course, in time for an early August seeding.

4 hillside- invasive weeds in background
As the summer progresses areas of the rough will thin due to tree root competition, traffic and poorly drained areas. These areas are composed of annual bluegrass (Poa annua) we will continue to work to reduce Poa and continue to innerseed desired species of tall fescue. Along the same lines as the above mentioned the Poa on the greens is becoming stressed allowing bentgrass to out compete this weed. Yellowing of Poa can be noted in some areas. In order to enhance, the putting surfaces during stress periods the greens are periodically vented, leaving small holes on the surface that are smoothed over with a couple rollings.
Drought stress Poa turf under trees
Plugs of bentgrass integrated into 7 green
Venting before rolling....
After Rolling!

We would also like to thank everyone that was able to attend Les's wine tasting/ Proshop and Grounds open house. It was a fun event, with a lot of great questions concerning operations and equipment, our staff had a great time!

Wine tasting!

If you have any questions or feedback please send us an email, or ask us on the course. For more information on course conditions or projects please follow us on twitter @pobrienhpgcc.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent