Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Putting Green Aeration-Update

With two weeks of recovery the putting surfaces are improving on a daily basis. We will be making additional fertilizer applications this week to help improve the playability. Thanks again for your patience.

2 weeks ago


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent


Practice Tee Etiquette

Practice Tee Etiquette:

The wet conditions have delayed the opening of the new practice area, we hope Mother Nature will cooperate reduce the rain events and warm up to allow the turf to grow vigorously.

I have been asked a few questions on the proper etiquette on divot removal on the grass tees. Below are a few pictures of divot patterns that are exhibited at HP. Ideally there is one divot pattern that should be utilized for increased recuperation and the most efficient use of turf, better known as a “lineal” divot pattern. The lineal divot pattern is a series of divots connected in a lineal fashion with a minimum of 2-3” of turf between each strip. This is the most ideal pattern allowing for a faster recovery time and the most efficient use of the hitting area. The creeping Bentgrass/Zoysia left between the divots will grow horizontally, decreasing the amount of time for recovery.

Lineal Divot Pattern-Please Use
The scattered pattern is random, similar to the lineal pattern discussed above, it also has a minimum of 2-3” between each divot. Although the scattered pattern allows for a faster recovery time it is a less efficient use of space in the hitting area, PLEASE DO NOT USE!


The third pattern is the concentrated divot pattern. This divot pattern does not allow for efficient recovery because there is no turf left in this large patch. All the recovery must be through the germination of seed, which can take 7-20 days depending on the weather conditions and the amount of traffic on the tee. This technique should be avoided.

Concentrated Divot Pattern-DO NOT USE

Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Putting Green Aeration

Dear Member:

The Spring putting green aerification was completed today. This spring season we roughly removed about 12 percent of the surface area. Our surface removal goal for the year to keep the putting surfaces healthy is between 20-25 percent. This will be achieved with aerations in late August and again in late October/November.
We hope to have the putting surfaces healed within 2 1/2 weeks depending on weather conditions.We appreciate your patience through the entire process.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent