Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Golf Course and Turfgrass Managment Internship 2013

Golf Course and Turfgrass Management Internship

The Hyde Park Golf and Country Club Grounds Department in Cincinnati, Ohio has two Turfgrass internship positions available for the upcoming 2013 season. HPGCC is a classic Donald Ross Club est. in 1909, located just minutes from downtown. The club completed a bunker renovation in 2006 and replaced the irrigation system in 2008. Upcoming projects include; tee leveling, green expansions and conversion of bentgrass approaches to Meyer Zoysia.

Position Description:
The intern will be exposed to the full gamut of golf course and turfgrass management issues faced in the northern transition zone. The interns will be responsible for, but not limited to:

§        Calibration and Application of Fertilizers and Pesticides
§        Proper moisture management techniques
§        Irrigation repair
§        Attending a Grounds Committee meeting
§        Leading small crews during projects and daily practices
§        Wide array of record keeping

Course Information:                
Greens: Bentgrass/Annual Bluegrass                                                                                   Roughs: Turf Type Tall Fescue/ Kentucky Bluegrass
Fairways: Meyer Zoysia                                                                                                         Equipment:  John Deere/ Jacobesen
Tees: Bentgrass                                                                                                                    Irrigation: Toro Lynx

§        $10.00/ hr. with overtime (typical week 45-65hrs)
§        Housing provided on-site with meals
§        Golf Privileges
§        Uniforms

Contact Information:
Please send resumes and cover letters via e-mail, or mail:

            Attn: Pat O’Brien, MSM
                     Grounds Superintendent
                     Hyde Park Golf and Country Club
                     3740 Erie Ave.
                     Cincinnati, Ohio, 45208

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

7 tee renovation

The grounds staff finished leveling, reshaping and regrassing the upper tee on 7 today. Tee renovations will continue with with additional tees on 7, 2 and a forward tee on # 5.






Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superintendent

Aerification Update- two weeks later

Two weeks after the aerfication of the greens they are healing well considering the cooler October temperatures. We continue to mow and roll in the afternoons due to the amount of sand that is still being picked-up in the morning dew by the mowers. The sand dulls the mowers; quickly thereafter tearing and damaging the plant. With a 3rd application of fertilizer we will continue to see recovery but they will still be "bumpy" until the turf fills the remaining holes. Thank-you for your patience.

Oct 3rd, 2012

October 16th, 2012



Pat O'Brien


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Project Update-Zoysia Conversion

The " new " approach area on 9 is almost complete, the remaining work includes extending the fairway on the other side of the ravine. This work will be completed early next week. We hope that you enjoy these improvements.



Thank you,

Pat O'Brien

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Zoysia grass conversion

The staff has continued in project mode with the conversion of the bentgrass approaches to Meyer Zoysia. In a effort to improve consistency, playability and reduce costs the approaches on 1, 5 and 9 will be converted to Zoysia grass. The remaining approach areas will be converted next season.



9 approach-new approach contours



Pat O'Brien


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Aerification of the Greens Completed

The grounds staff recently finished the aerification of the greens with excellent results. In order to continue to impact the poor soils of the near 100 year old greens, we aerified twice to incorporate over 100 tons of sand into the profile. With the late aerfication date the healing process will be slower compared to our typical early September timeline due to the cooler soil temperatures. In the coming weeks additional sand topdressing will be applied depending on growth to continue to smooth the surface. Thank- you again for your patience during this important process.


Pat O'Brien

Grounds Superinetendent


Friday, October 5, 2012

Bermudagrass Removal in Zoysia

The Crew has been been working over the past couple weeks removing small sections of Bermudagrass in the Zoysia grass fairways. Bermudagrass has been a problem in the roughs, but so far the Zoysia has done quite well with competing with the Bermudagrass. Bermudagrass is considered a weed at HP because the playability and cold tolerance is poor. Fortunately, we have only had to remove roughly 2500 ft2 with another 3000ft2 to go. Please stay out of newly sodded areas which are marked with red flags.


Pat O'Brien