Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Golf Course Update

The rain continues to fall in the Ohio Valley, it has slowed our progress slightly with over 4.3 inches for the month thus far, but we have been moving forward with the tree management program, wall restoration on #6, reshaping of the 15th tee and various repairs and maintenance to the equipment and course accessories in the shop.
Overall, the golf course and the grounds of Hyde Park have weathered the deluges of rain quite well. The infrastructure of drain lines that were added during the bunker renovation in 2005 is moving the water effectively off- site. Many existing problematic areas on the fairways, rough and greens are being documented for future drainage improvements.

Some of our top priorities on our winter list include:

-16th tee reshaping and leveling
-The addition of a second forward tee across the fairway (approximately 117yds from the green.)
-Wall Restoration Project
-Non- Selective herbicide treatments to winter annual weeds in the Zoysia
-Mapping of Bermuda grass contamination in the roughs and fairways

We are hopeful the weather will start to turn slightly colder and drier to get some solid ground to continue with the agenda.


Pat O’Brien
Grounds Superintedent

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Water Feature at Hyde Park

The last rain event accumulated about just over inch, but it arrived extremely fast. Overall, the course held-up well including the newly laid stone on #6. As you can see with the attached video the velocity of the water was extremely fast. Our concerns now shift to the low temperatures and standing water on the Zoysia grass fairways that may turn to ice over the next few days. We will continue to monitor and decide to remove if ice formation occurs. Rapid freezing to turfgrass plant in some situations can be detrimental, especially to a warm season turf such as Zoysia.


Pat O’Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wall Restoration

The recent above normal temperatures for the month of January have allowed the Grounds Staff to move forward with a couple key projects across the golf course including tee improvements on #15 and the wall restoration on #6.

The wall restoration project has progressed slowly with success thus far. Recently, the water was contained further to allow for the concrete footer to be poured. In order to capture the water and dry the area where the footer was to be placed, a series of sand bags and plastic were utilized to form a levee. The sand bags were used as the form and provided adequate structure for concrete. The sand bags will be removed at the end of the project. Damage was limited from the concrete truck with the use of plywood. The Stone Mason, Joe Channey has begun placing the stones to form the wall. We will continue to update the membership through the process.

Happy New Year!

Pat O’Brien

Grounds Superintendent