Restoration Rendering-Tyler Rae/Jim Ryan Jr.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Green Aerfication Postponed

Due to the unseasonably cool weather and wet soil conditions the putting surfcaes at Hyde Park will not be aerified as scheduled on March 28, 29 &30th. Instead, we hope to aerfiy starting on April 4th and continuing through the week.


Pat O'Brien
Grounds Superintendent

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dormant Zoysia and Cart Traffic

The Zoysia Grass fairways are slowly starting to green-up in many areas of the golf course. Zoysia grass being a warm season grass typically breaks dormancy in mid to late April and then enjoys the hot Cincinnati summers. Depending on the growth pattern (based upon soil temperatures, day length and air temperature) of Zoysia, in the early spring and late fall, cart traffic is limited to orange flag carts until growth resumes. When the Zoysia is dormant the recuperative capacity of this turfgrass is negligent and can take a significant time to heal from cart traffic damage. Last season, cart traffic to the fairways was permitted April 9th. In the coming weeks mother nature will determine when the Zoysia will wake up. Please refer to the rooster book, golf shop and signs posted on the carts concerning cart rules. As always, please Do NOT operate or park golf carts in the rough.


Pat O’Brien
Grounds Superintendent